

Izumi Zum Ohzawa大澤五住 ‏@izumiohzawa
米人男性「妻が福島県出身なので福島に少し滞在して役に立ちたいが..」 Dr. Helen Caldicott「行ってはいけない。医学的に禁忌だし、あなたに出来ることは何も無い。福島の人々は避難すべきで、行っても自分を危険にさらすだけだ。」 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hTuqy6RpFQ#at=3321 …


Dr. Helen Caldicott:  Going to Fukushima is medically contraindicated.  Fukushima people should be evacuated.

Dr. Helen Caldicott
”The Medical Implications of Fukushima, Nuclear Power and Nuclear Proliferation”
March 23, 2012 in Santa Barbara, California
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hTuqy6RpFQ#at=3321 …
55:23 - 56:02

A man’s question:

“So my wife is from Fukushima prefecture.  If we wanna go and live there for a while, you know, a year or two, and help these people that we care about, is it a little dangerous, a lot dangerous, or absolutely crazy?”

Dr. Helen Caldicott’s answer:

“You should not go back.  It is medically contraindicated.  You can’t help the people.  There is nothing you can do to help them.  They need to be evacuated.  And what the Japanese government didn’t do is evacuating the people who are currently living in very, very high radiation areas.  You can’t help them.  And I understand that you love them very much and you want to help them, but there is nothing you can do.  All you will be doing is exposing yourself to high danger.”



2012年3月23日 カリフォルニア州サンタ・バーバラでの講演
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hTuqy6RpFQ#at=3321 …



